What Programming Language is used in Odoo?

What Programming Language is used in Odoo?

Odoo is a versatile ERP software that provides a complete 360 degree suite to various businesses and helps them in daily tasks such as HR, accounting, sales, supply chain, connecting the business seamlessly with E-platforms, studio, etc.

One of the main features that boost the market popularity of Odoo is its accessibility of customization, implementation etc. according to what a specific consumer requires to grow and maintain the workflow. In this article we will explore the programming language used by Odoo, its importance, functions, and its merits too.

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The main programming language of Odoo: Python

Why only Python?

The open-source software is supported by python which is considered as a high- level programming language by multiple developers, it is also supported by Odoo due to its simplicity and readability which makes it a perfect choice for the users with different set of skills.

Features of Python in Odoo   

  • Quick Iterations: Python being a programming language with dynamic nature allows the user for a rapid development which helps the business to add up new features more quickly.
  • Multi-Platform Integration: Python can be easily paired with various other operating systems due to its versatile nature; it makes it easy to interconnect.
  • Better Community Support System: The programming language gives a strong community platform support, which helps the developer find resources, documentation and other necessities with support Odoo. Python also gives access to huge libraries which can be easily integrated with Odoo’s other applications to provide additional resources.

The MVC Framework  

Odoo supports python through its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture which means

  • Model: It Represents the components like the business logic, data structuring
  • View: It uses XML to display the data to the user/developer.
  • Controller: the controller is used to Handle all the user inputs and interacts with the model and directs the flow of data.

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Usage of PostgreSQL in Odoo

Odoo uses PostgreSQL for its database management. PostgreSQL is another open-source relational database, which is an ideal choice for handling complex queries due to its scalability, and advanced features which goes hand in hand with Odoo’s extensive application.

Perks of Using PostgreSQL

1. PostgreSQL gives its integrity through ACID mode which means atomicity, consistency, isolation and durability which is ideal for any business with sensitive data.

2. PostgreSQL supports complex data manipulations and intricate queries efficiently.

3 PostgreSQL allows the developers to create custom functions and modules tailored to what a business would require from Odoo.

4. PostgreSQL gives features like repetition and grouping of data ensuring that Odoo maintains a high accessibility to every client. 

JavaScript and HTML for enhancing user experience

While python is considered as the backbone for Odoo’s processing unit, coding languages like JavaScript and HTML help in giving front-end development in Odoo. These two languages make a unique combo for creating an interactive and user- friendly interface software like Odoo.

Java script plays an important role in Odoo ERP software as it gives features like compound task handling, real- time updates and a much better user-friendly interface which makes the software stand out from others in the market. It also gives the user ease to see changes without refreshing the page which enhances the overall user experience and interface.

The Role of HTML

HTML stands for hypertext markup language which is used for the content structuring of the software. It is responsible for the functions like designing, smooth user interface that brings a clear, effective interface which is suitable for different devices.

XML supports Views and Data Structures

Defining Views in Odoo  ​

Python supports languages like Python, JavaScript, and HTML, XML in Odoo which is responsible for views or in simple words what a client sees while using the software on the other hand XML which stand for extensible Markup Language, it is a both human-readable and machine-readable, language making it ideal for data representation.


The programming languages used in Odoo is a powerful combination of multiple languages and modules to create a versatile software that is not only user friendly that also helpful in various ways, as python supports the backend developments while PostgreSQL gives a reliable data management keeping the security as its priority, programming languages like JavaScript and HTML provides define views and interface system. This multi programming language approach makes Odoo ERP software more scalable, customized and a unique tool for business solutions.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What code does Odoo use?

Odoo is a versatile ERP software that uses Python?

The open-source software is supported by python which is a high- level programming language used by multiple developers due to its simplicity and readability.

2. What framework does Odoo use?

Odoo uses JavaScript framework also it provides the web developer with pre- defined or pre-written code for programming tasks.

3. What is the role of PostgreSQL in Odoo

Odoo uses PostgreSQL for its database management. PostgreSQL is another open-source relational database, which is an ideal choice for handing complex queries due to its scalability, and advanced features which goes hand in hand with Odoo’s extensive application

4. What is MVC architecture in Odoo?

Odoo supports python through its Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture which means

Model: It Represents the components like the business logic, data structuring

View: It uses XML to display the data to the user/developer.

Controller: the controller is used to Handle all the user inputs and interacts with the model and directs the flow of data.

5. Does Odoo use AI?

Yes, Odoo uses AI (artificial intelligence) to study the content while documentation.



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